Newborn Info


The best time to book your newborn session is before your little one arrives!  I will then add your expected due date to my schedule.  Once your baby makes his/her debut, be sure to text me ASAP so I can schedule you in.  6-10 days old is the preferential time to shoot.  The first two weeks is the best time to photograph newborns because baby acne can flare up and baby can become colicky and so forth…but did you also know that after two weeks baby’s bones also start to harden making it more difficult to pose them into those curly, snuggly poses?

If your baby came early or late, DON’T PANIC!  Older babies can still photograph beautifully in sleepy poses.  For babies over 6 weeks old, we recommend waiting until baby is sitting up and smiling to for their next photo shoot.


You will want to dress baby in something easily removable for when you arrive in the studio.  If possible, try and keep baby up 30-60 minutes before coming to your session.  And if you can give them a feeding beforehand as well that will usually help to make baby nice and sleepy for pictures.  Please don’t be too concerned about feeding schedules at this time and feel free to feed on demand to keep baby’s tummy nice and full and in that ‘milk coma’ state of sleep.  I have given birth to four children and know that what I am asking may seem nearly impossible to a sleep deprived, emotional and probably very sore new mommy!  So, just do the best you can and we will make it work…we’ll get great images regardless!


    • binkie for soothing…I know the whole nipple confusion thing is a concern the first few weeks, but a binkie can be the one factor between settling a baby for a shot and having to move on…they can work wonders!
    • bottles if you are bottle feeding, or if you are breast feeding and want to feed a bit faster.
    • diapers and wipes
    • a couple of hats or bows you may wish to use
    • snacks, beverages and any reading material to pass the time


We will be shooting all images while baby sleeps in his/her birthday suit.

If you are wearing a blouse or shirt for parent shots, please have it freshly pressed on a hanger. For parent poses, light and neutral colors are preferred for gorgeous monochromatic shots.

It is not uncommon for newborn sessions to last up to 3 hours or so.  So, if you want to step out for a bit feel free to do so…we have had moms and dads grab a nap in the car, go out for lunch or run errands while we shoot.  That is totally fine with us!  Your baby is in trusted hands and we relish being able to cuddle and hold your little one.

If you are wanting sibling shots, we will shoot these at the beginning of the session. We strongly recommend to either have someone drop off the siblings, or have daddy pick take them out when we are finished shooting them.

One last thing, your baby will likely pee/poop/spit up on us and we are totally okay with that.  No worries!  When we shoot, we dress in clothes that aren’t too fancy so we don’t mind at all.