Isn’t She Lovely…{McAllen Texas Photographer}

I Love Chelsea. I frequently call her my adopted daughter.  We share the same birthday.  She has been friends with my girls for the past 11 years.  She loves playing basketball and all things sparkly. She paints her nails every Sunday.  She loves getting dressed up in my old vintage dresses with my girls…actually even my friends like playing dress up in my old vintage dresses.  Chelsea is one special kid.  I love her like my own daughters.  I worry about her, pray for her, and can’t wait to see what she will pick out for her wedding dress.  She is kind and helpful and always brings a smile to my face…and for her birthday all she wanted was a photo shoot in a beautiful dress.  And Ginna was wonderful enough to do her flawless makeup!  (Be sure and check out Ginna’s blog…she always has wonderful stuff!)  So happy very belated birthday Chels!  I know its late but these were too good not to share…